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Wednesday 20 April 2022

Human rights development much broader in China than in the West

Harvard & Cambridge: China's Era Already? You Bet!

Danny Haiphong.Courtesy of HaiphongDanny Haiphong. Photo:Courtesy of Haiphong

Editor's Note:

For the Chinese people, the past decade was epic and inspirational. The country, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, has made great endeavors in boosting its economy, deepening reforms, improving the rights of its people and acting as a responsible power globally.

To help understand China's progress in the past decade, the Global Times (GT) has launched a weekly series of interviews with scholars from home and abroad, presenting a holistic view of China's governance philosophy. The following is an interview with Danny Haiphong (Haiphong), an independent journalist in the US and co-editor of Friends of Socialist China as well as a founding member of the No Cold War international campaign, on how China has made human rights protection a priority and how it has taken human rights moral high grounds.

GT: The US Department of State issued the 2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices on April 12, of which 90 pages are used to criticize China's human rights conditions. At the same time, 2021 was considered to be the US' most fatal year in history with more than 460,000 Americans killed by the coronavirus last year. Why does the US care more about human rights of China and other countries than its own record?

Haiphong: The US has politicized human rights for several reasons, none of which have anything to do with genuine concerns about the wellbeing of people. Constant speculation about human rights elsewhere provides a distraction from the shortcomings of the US' own political and economic system. The US possesses an abhorrent human rights record. An average of three Americans per day are killed by US law enforcement. Nearly one million Americans have died of COVID-19. US wars abroad have taken the lives of millions and destabilized entire regions.

Human rights are also an integral component of US foreign policy. Any nation deemed a threat to US hegemony is condemned for human rights violations. Often, the allegations are unfounded. This is certainly the case in relation to China. The US has spread insidious lies about the so-called human rights violations in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) to justify sanctions and military encirclement. The US' politicization of human rights is not only hypocritical, but a true danger to humanity.

GT: Since the outbreak of the epidemic, China has prioritized the protection of people's lives, what kind of human rights views do you think this reflects?

Haiphong: China's approach to human rights is people-centered. People come first. China's dynamic zero-COVID strategy is a case in point. Human life is the top priority. This priority has mobilized the entire society in a successful war against COVID-19 which has kept the death toll very low.

This doesn't mean tradeoffs do not exist. The protection of human life amid a deadly pandemic means that uncertainty and hardship are inevitable. But it is the people-centered human rights approach which keeps China and its legitimate leadership, the Communist Party of China, forward on the path to becoming a modern socialist country by 2050.

GT: How do you see the influence the "coexistence with the virus" policy has had on the US and other Western countries? Western media are attacking and smearing China's zero-COVID strategy. Why do they suggest China should also "lie flat" in its fight against the epidemic?

Haiphong: The politicization of COVID-19 in the US and other Western countries has created a public opinion crisis. Not only have large numbers of people been misinformed about COVID-19, but many have been convinced that China is to blame for their disastrous conditions. The truth is that the US and its Western allies neglected their domestic and global obligations to properly address the pandemic in the interests of humanity. Now these same countries want to see China plunged into a crisis through the abandonment of its successful strategy to contain the pandemic.

The reasons for this are simple. For one, China abandoning the zero-COVID strategy would validate the endless smears that the US has leveled against it. Furthermore, the US views China's zero-COVID strategy as a threat to its hegemony. This may seem silly, but it does have a material basis to it. China's zero-COVID strategy offers hope that COVID-19 deaths and cases can be reduced without completely sacrificing economic growth. The US knows that should China abandon this path, all of its progress would be threatened. This best serves the US' narrow and selfish interests.

GT: Chinese President Xi Jinping has emphasized unswerving adherence to China's path of human rights development, saying living a happy life is the biggest human right for the people. Over the past years, many surveys conducted by Western institutions showed Chinese people's rising levels of satisfaction with the government's performance. What does this demonstrate? How do you comment on China's human rights views?

Haiphong: Widespread popular satisfaction with China's government is an indicator of legitimacy. China's socialist governance system serves the people. Human rights development is thus much broader in China than in the West. Economic freedom, or the freedom to a livelihood without poverty, hunger, homelessness and instability is a top priority.

China's socialist governance system has built a foundation of legitimacy with the people by serving their needs and giving them real reasons to believe that their lives will be better than prior generations.

China's own human rights views are driven by deep experience with other political systems. During the "century of humiliation," various political models were imported from the outside without success. This includes the colonial and feudal systems in the 19th century and the Western democratic model in the early 20th century. Only the socialist conception of human rights has been capable of bringing prosperity and a better life to the Chinese people.

One further note. Legitimacy and human rights development in China isn't a paternalistic affair. The interests of the people not only drive policy in China but the Chinese people possess numerous mechanisms to participate in the running of the country. This means that while China prioritizes economic human rights, political human rights play an important role in facilitating a balanced and harmonious society.

GT: The definition of human rights in the US and the West has become narrower and narrower. They place too much emphasis on political rights while ignore the most basic human rights to survival and development. Why don't the most basic human rights such as people's rights to health, survival and development get enough attention in the West?

Haiphong: The West has for centuries been driven by a model of development that places profit accumulation over the rights of the people. And it isn't just a benign profit that drives all development in the West, but capitalist profit which tends to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few private investors and monopolies. The anarchy of the market reigns supreme, and it is private monopoly capital which essentially dictates government policy. People's need for housing, gainful employment, and healthcare are viewed as profitable ventures in and of themselves. This means that their administration is built around exploitation rather than human development.

The US, for example, is the so-called richest country in the world yet has millions of people without healthcare, a place to live, or a job that can satisfy the basic needs of survival. Hundreds of thousands of people sleep on the street each night, and still more find themselves filing for bankruptcy due to medical debt. Students attending university carry with them the weight of more than a trillion in collective student loan debt to private loan servicers and banks. Political parties in Washington DC hold the view that these issues are incapable of being resolved but that private military and financial institutions should be subsidized in the hundreds of billions. The US political system doesn't just ignore the needs of the people, it proactively worsens the economic situation for the majority.

GT: What is the significance of China's human rights proposition for redefining human rights worldwide, especially for developing countries to explore their own path in human rights development and protecting people's fundamental rights?

Haiphong: China's position on human rights provides a model for countries with shared histories of Western-imposed colonialism and development. Sovereignty and respect for self-determination are prerequisites for these countries to choose their own development paths. Unfortunately, due to unilateral measures such as sanctions and unequal trade arrangements, the US and the West have prevented many countries the opportunity to exercise sovereignty in their development paths. This has caused great suffering and strife worldwide.

China's approach to human rights prioritizes sovereignty and the right to development, and these principles have been applied to the implementation of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Economic development serves everyone, not just rich investors inside or outside of China. Furthermore, China's economic growth has not been achieved through isolationism but rather robust cooperation with all countries on the basis of equality. Developing countries seeking to both exercise their sovereignty while also reaping the benefits of increased global connectivity can look to China as a model of how the rights of the people do not need to be sacrificed for economic growth and vice versa. 

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Tuesday 19 April 2022

Senior citizens with high-risk comorbidities eligible for second booster shot

Khairy: Currently, the Comirnaty mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) is the recommended vaccine for a second booster dose based on available scientific data. (Photo by Zahid Izzani Mohd Said/The Edge) 
Khairy: Currently, the Comirnaty mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) is the recommended vaccine for a second booster dose based on available scientific data. (Photo by Zahid Izzani Mohd Said/The Edge)

 KUALA LUMPUR (April 14): Senior citizens with high-risk comorbidities are eligible to receive a second Covid-19 booster shot four to six months after their first booster dose, Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said on Thursday.

Khairy also said that severely immunocompromised individuals aged 12 and above may receive their first booster jab within 28 days of receiving the second Covid-19 vaccine.

"It is not mandatory but optional, and it will be made through appointments," he told a press conference.

Khairy said those aged 60 and above who are healthy and not at risk for comorbidities should discuss with their doctor whether a second booster vaccination would be recommended for them.

Meanwhile, senior citizens who have received a booster vaccination and have tested positive for Covid-19 can receive a second booster vaccination three months after their full recovery, he said.

The minister said Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty's vaccine is the recommended vaccine for a second booster dose based on scientific data available.

On the booster shot for teenagers, Khairy said: "We leave it to the parents to talk to medical practitioners to make a decision. There is no coercion."

The minister said the implementation of this latest recommendation will not affect the full vaccination status of high-risk individuals who do not receive a second booster dose. The Health Ministry is currently updating clinical guidelines detailing implementation, he said.

Khairy said the ministry has also received requests from individuals who want to travel abroad to receive a second booster dose to meet the travel requirements.

"For example, there are some countries in continental Europe that do not recognise Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines as first and booster doses," he said.

"Therefore, people who want to go abroad can receive a second booster dose at least one month apart after the first booster dose to meet the requirements of going abroad," he said.

As of March 31, a total of 701 individuals had received digital certificates of exemption from vaccination for medical reasons.

These individuals will also automatically receive a booster vaccination exemption.

"Individuals who are not eligible for a booster vaccination for medical reasons, especially the primary Sinovac or Sinopharm recipients or senior citizens who have not yet received a digital vaccination exemption certificate will need to submit a new application.

"They must obtain confirmation from a medical practitioner and then submit an application to the nearest district health department," said Khairy.

Adam Aziz & S Kanagaraju

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Seniors open to second booster dose

PETALING JAYA: Feeling boosted by the protection offered by the vaccine, many Covid-19-conscious senior citizens say they are receptive to taking a fourth dose.

Leong King Soon, 62, and his wife Barbara Teoh, 60, have hypertension and diabetes respectively and with their comorbidities, they are among the senior citizens now eligible to get a fourth shot of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Leong, who took his first booster in December, said he and his wife have so far not contracted Covid-19.

“I have been in close contact with Covid-19 individuals many times as I work as an industrial machine repairman and go to many factories for my job but so far so good.

“Besides taking the standard operating procedure seriously such as wearing a face mask and frequently washing hands, I really think that the three doses of the Covid-19 vaccine I took have kept me protected until now.

“So when the time comes for the fourth dose, I will definitely go get it with my wife,” said Leong.

He added that Teoh, too, had been in close contact unwittingly with Covid-19-positive friends and relatives but she has also been safe so far.

“She only took her first booster last month as she was ill over the past few months and needed her doctor’s clearance,” added Leong.

On Thursday, Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said senior citizens with comorbidities can get the fourth shot between four and six months after their first booster, while seniors without comorbidities can get a second booster provided they get approval from their doctor.

Seniors who have received their booster dose but have been infected with Covid-19 will be eligible for a fourth shot three months after they recover.

Leong had this to say: “Get the booster for your own protection and ignore all the negative stories that you hear. People don’t remember the positive stories but like to hang on to the negative ones.”

Trader Saifuddin Omar, 67, who has diabetes and hypertension, also believes that the Covid-19 vaccine he took has protected him from the virus.

“Recently, my daughter and her son, who live with me, got infected but they didn’t know until five days later. We all share the same bathroom and eat at the same table but my wife and I didn’t get infected.

“My daughter and grandson (aged eight) are fully vaccinated and only suffered mild symptoms,” he said.

Saifuddin recalled initially feeling scared last year about taking the vaccine after hearing stories about the side effects.

“But now I see that it does help, I feel encouraged to take the fourth dose of the vaccine and will do so soon,” said Saifuddin, adding that he and his wife had their first booster in January.

Retired teacher B. Parimala, 63, does not have any comorbidities and took her first booster last year.

While seniors without comorbidities can get a second booster with their doctor’s approval, Parimala said she would rather wait.

“I was a science teacher so I keep up to date with the latest news about the vaccine.

“I recently read that boosting too often and with the same type of vaccine could reduce one’s immunity, especially against new variants.

“So I’d rather wait than go for the second booster now,” she said.

Parimala, too, warned against adopting a lackadaisical attitude towards Covid-19.

“Long Covid is no joke. My former colleague has such bad scarring on her lungs that she gets winded just walking a short distance. We should all continue to keep ourselves protected,” she said. 

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Regaining momentum, property sector to recover despite challenges


WITH the country finally transitioning into endemicity, the Malaysian property market is expected to regain its momentum this year.

However, despite the better economic growth recovery projected for 2022, the National Property Information Centre (Napic) has cautioned that the environment still remains challenging.

“The health of the residential sector is paramount to the overall performance of the property market,” Napic says in its 2021 property market report.

“The transition to the endemic phase of Covid-19 starting April 1, 2022, will see the lifting of restrictions of business operating hours and the reopening of country borders, which is expected to further improve domestic economic activities and entail better prospects for the leisure sector,” it adds.

Napic emphasises that the transition phase is a much-needed boost for the local property market.

“This will translate into better occupancy of hotels apart from creating employment opportunities for the locals.

“Nevertheless, the environment will remain challenging for the retail and office sector as more new supply enters the market in the near future.”

As the industry normalises and adapts to the new norms of working from home and market digitalisation, Napic says the office and retail sectors may continue to face downward pressure in 2022.

“On the development front, major ongoing infrastructure projects are expected to spur economic activities and the property market in the long run.”

As the economy is set to be on the right trajectory, Napic says the property market’s performance is expected to be on a similar track.

Accommodative policies

“The accommodative policies, continuous government support and execution of all planned measures outlined in Budget 2022 and proper implementation of strategies and initiatives under the 12th Malaysia Plan are expected to support growth in the property sector,” it says.

According to Napic, the residential sub-sector led the overall property market activity in 2021 with a 66.2% contribution in volume.

There were 198,812 transactions worth Rm76.90bil recorded in the review period, which was an increase of 3.9% in volume and 16.7% in value year-on-year.

The improvement was supported by the uptrend recorded in Kuala Lumpur (4.9%), Selangor (10.7%), Pulau Pinang (16.3%) and Perak (3.2%). Conversely, Johor recorded a decline in market activity by 2.4%.

The primary market saw fewer releases of new launches. There were nearly 44,000 units launched in 2021, against 47,178 units in 2020.

Napic says the decline was expected as developers held back on the new launches due to the softening property market and increasing numbers of unsold inventories.

Sales performance was moderate at 39.3% in 2021.

A property analyst says the property market will, as always, continue to be driven by the residential sub-sector.

“Even without the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC), there is renewed enthusiasm among purchasers and buyers – something that was lost over the last two years as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

To help spur the property market, the government introduced the HOC in June 2020 under the Penjana initiative.

The campaign ended on Dec 31, 2021. Many industry observers and property players believed that the HOC was indeed a huge help to the market and urged the government to extend the campaign period into 2022.

Following the conclusion of the HOC, Hong Leong Investment Bank (HLIB) Research says the “tables have turned” in favour of the affordable housing segment.

Comparative advantage

“Prior to the introduction of the HOC, the affordable housing segment enjoyed stamp duty exemption for property value up to RM500,000.

“With the introduction of the HOC, the affordable segment lost its comparative advantage as the stamp duty exemption was extended to property value up to Rm1mil,” it says in a recent report.

HLIB Research notes that in 2021, when the HOC was still in place, the percentage of residential transactions below RM500,000 had declined, likely due to home buyers rushing to take advantage of the HOC campaign before it ended on Dec 31.

“With the ending of the HOC, the tables have once again turned in favour of the affordable housing segment, as purchases in this category will continue to enjoy stamp duty exemptions.

“Even during the HOC campaign, the affordable housing segment was still the most demanded segment, comprising more than 75% of the number of residential transactions.”

Citing the Statistics Department, HLIB Research says as much as 20% or 580,000 households from the M40 households had shifted to the income limit of the B40 group in 2020.

“The broadening base of the lower-income group, coupled with the rising living cost from inflationary pressure, especially on the food cost, will bolster demand within the affordable home segment, as home buyers will likely opt for affordable housing due to income constraints.”

Meanwhile, RHB Investment Bank says inflationary pressures and the timing of the election could swing sentiment.

“On the macroeconomic front, we are also cautious on rising inflationary pressure, which may potentially dampen household disposable income.”

Apart from the expected increase in interest rates in the second half of this year, the research house points out that food and consumer product prices are also on the rise, which is in line with commodity prices.

“Given that the market has just recovered from last year’s lockdown, demand for property may be negatively affected if inflationary pressures worsen further, as property is deemed a big-ticket item that is considered non-discretionary.”

Given the conclusion of the state elections in Melaka, Sarawak and Johor over the last six months, RHB Investment Bank says some political parties are calling for the next general election to be held soon.

“Historically, the performance of most property stocks tend to be lacklustre six months prior to an election, possibly due to the uncertain outlook and potential policy changes after an election.

“As the next general election is due by July 2023, we think speculation will be rife in the coming months on the timing of the event.”

Rising building costs

HLIB Research notes that building materials costs have been rising persistently since 2021.

“From what we gathered, key raw materials such as steel and cement have risen more than 20% on a year-on-year basis.”

Under such a rising cost environment, the research house says property developers that will fare relatively better are those that outsource their construction work to third parties.

“This is as their construction cost will be locked in at a lower cost (amid the rising cost environment) when the job is outsourced.”

For new launches, HLIB Research says developers will likely be able to outsource the jobs at competitive prices.

Competitive job tenders

“This is because new job tenders among contractors will likely be very competitive (due to fewer job tenders available), as developers are more cautious in their launches due to the subdued property sentiment.”

In order to secure jobs to ensure positive cash flow, HLIB Research says contractors may be willing to sacrifice some margin to win job tenders from developers.

“Besides this, developers that enjoy high take-up rates in their launches are also those that are likely to have better pricing power, enabling them more flexibility to adjust selling prices to sustain their margins.”

RHB Investment Bank also acknowledged that major commodity prices, such as crude oil, steel bars, copper and aluminium saw significant price hikes.

“The resulting price increases in cement, sand, tiles and related products collectively added to the surge in total construction costs.”

Assuming the uptrend in commodity prices persists over the next six-to-nine months, RHB Investment Bank says developers will tend to be more prudent with their launches.

“Developers will likely resize or redesign, as well as maintain the selling prices and affordability of their products or look for alternative construction materials that are cheaper in an effort to mitigate cost pressure.”

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NAPIC: Property market expected to regain momentum in 2022

Sunday 17 April 2022

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Dashcam to the rescue: Scammers’ hopes of a quick buck dashed


North Klang district police are investigating a video showing a man purposely throwing himself onto a car’s windshield, which has gone viral. 


PETALING JAYA: A woman driver crashes into a group of mat lajak cyclists, and another driver is shocked when a pedestrian throws himself onto his car windscreen, smashing it.

The woman has been jailed but the driver of the other car managed to escape from a potential scam.

The reason – the second driver had a dashcam.

Dashcams have suddenly become a hot topic again as the debate continues over whether the woman deserves to be jailed or not. A video of the windscreen smashing scam has also gone viral.

ALSO READ:  No problems with dashcams as long as safety concerns met, says Transport Ministry

Car salespersons and auto accessory dealers have confirmed the increasing demand for dashcams, adding that customers choose to install them for safety reasons.

Salesman Foong Wen Sian said that in recent years, 60% to 70% of customers have chosen to install dashcams when buying their cars. “Customers ask if our vehicles are equipped with a dashcam and also request for it to be installed,” he said.

Foong said dashcams are important especially when accidents or thefts occur in areas without CCTVs.

“With dashcams, the recording can be used as evidence so police can take action,” he said.

Another car salesman, Annison Francis, said dashcams are important for women to defend themselves in cases of unwanted incidents on the road.

Dashcam salesperson Willie Cheng said there was a 30% increase for the product in the past year.

“More motorists are now educated about its importance,” said Cheng.

ALSO READ: Dashcam okay if it does not affect vehicle’s safety

Businessman Jason Wong, 70, said he was planning to install a dashcam for both the front and rear sides of his car.

“There are many drivers with bad driving habits nowadays so having a dashcam gives me evidence in case of any accident,” he said, adding that it could also avoid potential arguments.

Fitness instructor Wayne Wong Zhi Herng, 30, said the recent ruling in the mat lajak case – which saw clerk Sam Ke Ting jailed for six years – prompted him to install a dashcam.

“We can never be too sure of what can happen on the road so a dashcam comes in handy in case of any misunderstanding,” he said.

Casey, 29, an accountant, said he installed a dashcam due to concerns about scams and road rage.

“I fear cases where people intentionally get hit by vehicles and then claim compensation.

“Having a dashcam will give us evidence to better explain the situation to the authorities,” he said.

A dashcam video has gone viral showing a man throwing himself onto an oncoming vehicle, leaving the windscreen smashed.

A group of people then suddenly appeared and seemed to surround the driver.

When driver told them to wait for police as he had dashcam footage, the group, including the “accident victim” quickly dispersed.

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'Mat lajak' modified bicycles-car accident case: Saleswoman/clerk gets six years' jail, fined RM6,000, no bail, appeal rejected although she had been acquitted twice before by the Magistrate’s Court.


Friday 15 April 2022

Mat lajak' modified bicycles-car accident case: Saleswoman/clerk gets six years' jail, fined RM6,000, no bail, appeal rejected although she had been acquitted twice before by the Magistrate’s Court.

Tragedi basikal lajak, ibu bapa perlu dibawa ke muka ... - FMT

JOHOR BARU: A woman who drove her car into eight teenagers on modified bicycles on a dark street here has been sentenced to six years in jail and sent straight to prison – although she had been acquitted twice before by the Magistrate’s Court.

Following an appeal by the prosecution, the High Court here ruled yesterday that the lower court had erred in accepting Sam Ke Ting’s defence.

It said that not knowing there would be basikal lajak activity during the time of the incident could not be used by Sam as an excuse to drive dangerously, which resulted in the death of the teens.

High Court judge Justice Abu Bakar Katar sentenced the 27-year-old clerk to six years’ jail and a fine of RM6,000 for reckless driving which resulted in the deaths in Jalan Lingkaran Dalam, Johor Baru, at 3.20am on Feb 18, 2017.

Sam was ordered to serve another six months in prison if she did not pay the fine.

She was also disqualified from driving for three years, effective immediately after she completes her prison sentence.

Sam was accompanied by a female friend yesterday and did not show any emotion when the judge handed down the sentence.

After the sentencing, she was immediately handcuffed and taken by a female police officer to the lockup.

Justice Abu Bakar refused to grant a stay of execution of the conviction and sentence on Sam before an appeal to the Court of Appeal.

Sam had been acquitted twice by the Magistrate’s Court before this.

The first time, on Oct 28, 2019, the Johor Baru Magistrate’s Court acquitted and discharged her of the charge at the end of the prosecution’s case without calling for her defence.

However, the prosecution appealed against that decision and the Johor Baru High Court then ordered Sam to enter her defence on Feb 18 last year.

She was again freed on Oct 10 last year when her defence was accepted.

The High Court, however, held yesterday that the prosecution had proved a prima facie case against her and set aside the magistrate’s decision.

Justice Abu Bakar ruled that the magistrate had erred in accepting Sam’s defence.

“In her defence, she stated that she did not see the group of cyclists at the scene of incident and there was another vehicle that hit them and drove off.

“This version was never raised by the respondent (Sam) during the prosecution’s case.

“The Magistrate’s Court made a mistake when it accepted her defence of not knowing there would be basikal lajak activity at the time as an excuse to drive dangerously, which resulted in the victims’ deaths.

“She should have driven her car vigilantly instead of driving fast and causing the incident and should have realised that the lighting in the area was not bright at around 3.20am,” he said.

Justice Abu Bakar added that with visibility limited, the respondent should have realised there was a risk if she drove her car at more than the speed limit, which was 50km per hour.

He said Sam failed to raise any doubts while the prosecution had proven its case beyond a reasonable doubt.

“With this, the High Court sets aside the earlier decision to acquit and discharge the respondent and find her guilty under Section 41(1) of the Road Transport Act,” he ruled.

Lawyer Muhammad Faizal Mokhtar asked for a stay of execution of the conviction and sentence on Sam as they would be appealing to the Court of Appeal but the judge rejected the request.

Johor prosecution director Tengku Amir Zaki Tengku Abd Rahman and deputy public prosecutor Muhammad Syafiq Mohd Ghazali prosecuted.

The eight cyclists who died were Mohamad Azrie Danish Zulkefli, 14; Muhamad Shahrul Izzwan Azzuraimie, 14; Muhammad Firdauz Danish Mohd Azhar, 16; Fauzan Halmijan, 13; Mohamad Azhar Amir, 16; Muhammad Harith Iskandar Abdullah, 14; Muhammad Shahrul Nizam Marudin, 14; and Haizad Kasrin, 16.

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Wednesday 13 April 2022

US forces other countries pay for its economic problems with monetary policy tightening: experts

If the US really acts wildly on China over the Ukraine issue, Chinese people will just face it

 China feels cascading effects with dropping stocks

With its stock market jumping, the dollar strengthening, and global capital flowing in, the US is again reaping profits but bringing financial shockwaves to foreign countries, whether they are what it claims are rivals, like China, or allies, like the EU, by tightening its monetary policy, experts observed.

As the Fed policy tightening accelerates, analysts said that the US is increasingly turning into a world "damager" instead of "protector" when the country finds its global responsibilities clash with its own national interests, and the world is paying the price for the US' domestic problems, like surging inflation.

In recent days, the side effects of US monetary policy, particularly the Fed's hawkish push for raising interest rates, have spread to multiple regions of the world and multiple financial areas.

The US Dollar Index is turning up sharply, at one point touching a ceiling of 100.19 on Friday, the highest level since May 2020. Accompanied by the rise is the weakening of global currencies including the yen, the euro and the yuan.

Global stock and bond markets are also sliding. The 10-year US Treasury yield topped its Chinese equivalent on Monday for the first time in 12 years.

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index slipped by 2.61 percent on Monday, the Hong Kong-based Hang Seng Index dropped by more than 3 percent, and the Japanese Nikkei 225 was down 1.81 percent on Tuesday.

Contractions on global financial markets are generally considered to be a result of the Fed's move to increase interest rates recently, the first time in more than three years. Investors are betting on more aggressive rate hikes in the coming months after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell vowed tough action to rein in inflation during a recent speech at the National Association for Business Economics.

The US government has stepped on the gas to drive up interest rates to contain inflation. The US Consumer Price Index jumped by 8.5 percent on a yearly basis in March, touching a 40-year-high due to rising oil, food and housing costs. The growth beat market expectations of 8.4 percent.

However, Chinese experts criticized the US for shifting the burden of its own economic problems to global markets.

"The US is letting global markets pay the price for its own crisis of inflation, depending on the dominant role of the US dollar and the integration of the global economy," Li Haidong, a professor from the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times.

According to Li, the countries holding massive US dollar assets will feel the pinch from Fed's tightening, but the blow will be even more vital for countries that have a vulnerable social system, as the US action might bring havoc to social stability there.

He also said that when the US government sees a clash between its global responsibility and its own interests, it does not feel guilt in choosing the latter.

"The US' role in the world is turning from that of a protector to a kind of damager, as it thinks that globalization is bad for its own interests," Li said.

Even countries that are in the same league as the US won't escape the US' profit-seeking moves, experts said.

Xi Junyang, a professor at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, told the Global Times that the US is adding fuel to the flames of the Ukraine crisis, in order to strengthen its position in the so-called Western alliance, as well as further enhance the role of the greenback after investors saw Europe was not secure.

A direct consequence of this strategy is a weaker EU, both businesswise and politically, as the region's independence is undermined, while the military chaos also hurts the region's energy supplies and the euro's attraction to international investors.

Xi said that US monetary policy shifts will put pressure on the Chinese mainland's financial markets, especially as the mainland expands connections with the Hong Kong stock market, which is more vulnerable to US financial volatility.

However, Xi stressed that the impact on the mainland markets won't be severe because of capital flow restrictions, and China's independent monetary policy will not be swayed by external factors like the US Fed's decisions.

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Call for true multilateralism | The Star

Monday 11 April 2022

How US spread biological 'poison', ethnic division and ideological antagonism around the world


The United States biological weapons program officially began in spring 1943 on orders from U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. Research continued following World War II as the U.S. built up a large stockpile of biological agents and weapons. Over the course of its 27 year history, the program weaponized and stockpiled the following seven bio-agents (and pursued basic research on many more):

Personnel are working inside a bio-lab at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick on September 26, 2002. Photo: AFP


Editor's Note:

Since the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine began, the international community has grown increasingly aware of the roles the US and NATO have played behind the crisis.

From funding biological labs to creating ethnic division and ideological confrontation around the world, from imposing sanctions on "disobedient countries" to coercing other nations to pick sides, the US has acted like a "Cold War schemer," or a "vampire" who creates "enemies" and makes fortunes from pyres of war. The Global Times is publishing a series of stories and cartoons to unveil how the US, in its superpower status, has been creating trouble in the world one crisis after another. This is the fifth installment.

After World War Two (WWII), the US ran amok around the world, leaving behind a plague of war and hatred wherever they went. Whether on the biological front or in the ideological front, the US is the top "poison disseminator."

1 Ukraine crisis instigator: US-led NATO reneges on 'Not one inch eastward' promise to compress Russia's space to the extreme
2 Instability brewer: Behind every war and turmoil in the world is shadow of the Star-Spangled Banner
3 'Vampires' in the war: US warmongers feeding on the bloody turbulence in other countries
4 Cold War schemer: Reminiscing in its past 'victory,' US brings color revolutions to 21st century to maintain its hegemony

A US army tank rolls deeper into Iraqi territory on March 23, 2003?when US forces invaded?Iraq. Photo: VCGA US army tank rolls deeper into Iraqi territory on March 23, 2003?when US forces invaded?Iraq. Photo: VCG

Mysterious bio-labs

Since conflict broke out between Russia and Ukraine, biological laboratories in Ukraine that are funded by the US caught global attention.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on March 22 that Russia cannot tolerate the US setting up biological laboratories in Ukraine with the prospects of developing biological weapon components, TASS reported.

Earlier that month, Russian defense ministry also disclosed that US spent more than $200 million on biolaboratories in Ukraine, TASS said.

The Russian military said they had gotten hold of documents confirming that Ukraine developed a network of at least 30 biological laboratories that host extremely dangerous biological experiments, aimed at enhancing the pathogenicity of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera, and other lethal diseases with the help of synthetic biology. This work is funded and directly supervised by the US' Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) in the interest of the Pentagon's National Center for Medical Intelligence, according to a statement by Russian Permanent Representative to UN Vassily Nebenzia.

The Russian defense ministry said that it learned of the details regarding a project implemented at laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov, and Odessa, which studied the possibilities of spreading particularly dangerous infections through migratory birds, including the highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza (lethal to humans in 50 percent of cases) and the Newcastle disease.

As part of some other projects, bats were considered as carriers for potential biological weapon agents. Among the priorities identified are the study of bacterial and viral pathogens that can be transmitted from bats to humans: pathogens of the plague, leptospirosis, brucellosis, as well as the coronaviruses disease, and filoviruses.

The analysis of the obtained materials confirms the transfer of more than 140 containers with ectoparasites from bats from a bio-lab in Kharkov abroad, according to Nebenzia's statement.

The bio-labs in Ukraine are only a handful of the 336 biological laboratories the US reportedly funds in 30 countries around the world. Most of these labs are located in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, and along the perimeter of former USSR, according to the Russian defense ministry.

Despite covert behaviors, the dubious activities of the US' overseas bio-labs had previously been revealed.

In August 2021, a South Korean civic group sued the Fort Detrick bio-labs and the US Forces Korea (USFK) over the smuggling of toxic substances to US military bases there in violation of domestic law.

In December 2015, the South Korean Yonhap News Agency revealed that the USFK had staged 15 experiments using neutralized anthrax samples at the Yongsan Garrison in Seoul from 2009 to 2014.

US officials gave incongruous responses to the bio-lab issue since Russia disclosed relevant documents. They admitted to the existence of such labs but failed to provide substantial evidence that the programs they funded were to promote public health. Thus, it increased the world's suspicions over such labs.

Libyan protesters gather in Benghazi on March 11, 2011 as Arab Spring spread in the country. The US, the UK and France?intervened in Libya?with a bombing campaign on March 19, 2021. Photo: AFPLibyan protesters gather in Benghazi on March 11, 2011 as Arab Spring spread in the country. The US, the UK and France?intervened in Libya?with a bombing campaign on March 19, 2021. Photo: AFP

Creating turmoil and division

The US prides itself on being the "city upon the hill" and a "beacon of democracy." However, the history of the US was full of wars and killing. During its over 240 years of history, there were only 16 years when the US was not at war.

After the end of WWII, the US became the most powerful country in the world, however, war became an important tool for the US to maintain its own hegemony.

Data shows that from the end of WWII to 2001, the US initiated 201 of the 248 armed conflicts worldwide in 153 locations, accounting for over 80 percent of total conflicts.

The Korean War (1950-53), for example, resulted in the deaths of more than 3 million civilians and created approximately 3 million refugees, and almost all major cities in the Korean Peninsula were left in ruins.

However, the US evidently lacked self-reflection after the Korean War. Immediately after the end of the Korean War, the US intervened in Vietnam in the 1950s under the pretext of preventing the expansion of Communism in Southeast Asia. During the Vietnam War, the brutality of the US army made the war the longest and most brutal war since WWII.

The Vietnamese government estimates that as many as 2 million civilians died in the war, many of whom were slaughtered by US forces in the name of fighting Viet Cong communists.

In March 1999, under the banner of "avoiding humanitarian disaster," NATO forces led by the US openly bypassed the UN Security Council and carried out the bombing of Yugoslavia for 78 days, causing death of many innocent civilians.

After the September 11 attacks in 2001, the US first invaded Afghanistan in the name of fighting Al Qaeda and the Taliban and then launched a war in Iraq under trumped-up charges.

Over the years, the US instigated the "Arab Spring," igniting civil wars in Libya and Syria.

Since 2001, wars and military operations by the US have claimed more than 800,000 lives and displaced tens of millions of people.

"We inflated the stature of our enemies to match our need for retribution. We launched hubristic wars to remake the world and let ourselves be remade instead...We midwifed worse terrorists than those we set out to fight," New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg wrote in September 2021, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Exporting 'democracy'

Former US president Jimmy Carter once said that the US is "the most warlike nation in the history of the world" due to a desire to impose American values on other countries.

The Cold War was, to some extent, a global confrontation born of ideological opposition. In this process, the US established its own discourse system and promoted a so-called "liberal democracy," which was the foundation of its cultural hegemony.

In his book, America's Deadliest Export: Democracy, the Truth About US Foreign Policy, and Everything Else, American diplomat William Blumm reveals the close connection between America's foreign expansion and its "democracy export."

Between 1947 and 1989, the US carried out 64 covert operations of subversion and six overt ones, wrote Lindsey O'Rourke, a political scientist at Boston College, in her book Covert Regime Change: America's Secret Cold War. Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ecuador, Bolivia, El Salvador, Grenada, Honduras, Panama, Haiti, Venezuela...Of all America's Latin American neighbors, there were few who have not faced meddling from the US.

After the end of the Cold War, the US became more unscrupulous in promoting interventionism and frequently exported "color revolutions."

A US Congressional investigation in 1976 revealed that nearly 50 percent of the 700 grants in the field of international activities by the principal foundations were funded by the CIA, Frances Stonor Saunders wrote in the book Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War.

These foundations support elites and students from other countries to study in the US and select and support "opinion leaders" who serve the interests of the US.

The US has also long linked economic aid to the "democratic revolution" and put pressure on some developing countries through its leading international financial institutions.

Far from achieving stability and prosperity, most of the recipients of the US' version of democracy seem to be trapped in the "democratic curse" of political turmoil and national retrogression.

As Michael Parenti, an American political scientist pointed out, the US has been wearing these "democratic" glasses for years. An inexplicable sense of superiority has led the US to stand on the notion of it being the so-called "city on a hill", regarding its democracy as an "international model," an unsupported hypothesis, and point fingers at other countries. The US' enthusiasm for "democracy export" is not really about democracy, but about maintaining American hegemony.

As former US President Bill Clinton said, "defending freedom and promoting democracy in the world is not just a reflection of our deepest values. They are vital to our national interest."

Next up:

Is the US a "defender" or a "destroyer" of human rights? Who has been sacrificed on the "altar" of US-touted democracy? In our next story, we will focus on the US' vile practice of igniting war under the pretext of "human rights and democracy." 

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In order to seek global hegemony, the US has used many resources including political, economic, cultural, educational, 

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