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Monday 15 February 2021

Choosing a good executor for your will

“It is a certainty but the Asian culture fails to talk about death adequately. Many times, the parents don’t really talk about this to their children. Such as, when a parent passes away, who will be in charge of the family’s business, ” Rockwills Advisory Services Sdn Bhd’s general manager and associate estate planning practitioner ason Tham told StarBiz.


DEATH is an issue nobody likes to talk about, but it is a certainty in this life.

This is likely due to the Asian culture where death is a rarely or openly discussed subject among families which could lead to complications later on for the loved ones.

“It is a certainty but the Asian culture fails to talk about death adequately. Many times, the parents don’t really talk about this to their children. Such as, when a parent passes away, who will be in charge of the family’s business, ” Rockwills Advisory Services Sdn Bhd’s general manager and associate estate planning practitioner Jason Tham told StarBiz.

“Many times, the children are also helping out in the family business and as the founder and business owner it is difficult for the parents to say that they are their children’s boss and parent at the same time. While in some other instances, siblings may be unhappy if parents outrightly choose one over the other to take over the family business.

"A lot of people have an inkling that this is an important topic to talk about but they don’t know where to start, ” Tham added.

He noted that recent business trends for Rockwills have indicated that awareness among Malaysians on the importance of writing a will have been on the rise as business volume in this area have grown.

Writing one’s will in advance will also help ease the transition for a person’s loved ones in terms of matters pertaining to inheritance.

Other than the importance of being more open in discussing death, Tham said it is important for a person to choose a good executor for the will.

“The executor will be acting on a person’s (demised) will. So appointing a capable executor is a very important task and a common mistake made by many is to overlook this part of choosing a capable executor. Some of the characteristics to look out for in a capable executor is that the person must be reliable and trustworthy, ” Tham said.

“Some good examples of a good executor can be a person’s spouse. Since this is a person whom you can trust and this person would know and can execute your wishes in regards to inheritance.

“We must also know that this person chosen will continue to be in existence, ” he added.

Tham explained that continuing to be in existence generally means that as a general guideline, one should try not to appoint their parents as their will executors.

“Most likely a person’s parents would be much older and the chances of them continuing to be in existence would be lower.

“If there are no untoward or unexpected incidences, most likely your parents will pass away before you. An executor will execute a person’s will when a person is gone, ” he said.

Tham said usually, a family member will be selected as executors and they are usually candidates that would naturally be a priority.

“In some cases, a person might require a neutral body to execute a person’s will and this is when a professional estate planning firm may come in handy, ” he said.

“One example when this may be applicable is when a father would like to give his inheritance to his children but they are not on good terms with each other.

“So it is very difficult for the client to appoint one of them to be executors since they would likely be biased and it can create more fights among them. So this is when a licensed trustee is useful to carry out the demised’s will wishes, ” Tham said.

A licensed trustee can also help carry out a person’s wishes in the event that both parents are not around with minors or offsprings who are not yet considered adults, he said.

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Sunday 14 February 2021

Be sexually safe this Valentine’s

Don’t let your partner kiss you if they are recovering from a cold sore or ulcer caused by HSV-1 as they can still pass the virus on to you. — AFP

G. vaginalis is the most common bacteria in the vagina and a common cause of bacterial vaginosis. — Filepic 

 Absolutely amazing video clip... I really appreciate it..... Its an eye opener for our new generation who forget their roots and traditions. That's what have made us retrogress somehow to lead to immoral aspects.... Thumbs up to sender, Sister Swa


Being in a monogamous relationship, or abstaining from sex, doesn't necessarily guarantee from sexually-transmitted infection.

 Valentine's day usually invokes the notions of love and romance.

Just imagine, you are on a nice dinner date with your other half and spend the night together in an almost fairytale-like evening.

But this lovely memory soon gets shattered when you or your partner discover unusual symptoms in the genital region.

Suddenly, worry – and even suspicion of each other – fills the atmosphere between the two of you.

And it doesn’t help that it is a topic many people might find difficult to bring up with their partners.

Truth be told, most men and women who are in faithful relationships or who have not had sex before do not expect any unusual symptoms in their genital region.

To suddenly discover a wart, a painful ulcer, or even a smelly and fishy discharge from the vagina, can be distressing.

Whether it’s kissing, skin to skin contact, or vaginal, oral or anal sex, each of these interactions can pose a risk of disease transmission.

But before you jump the gun and start thinking that your partner has cheated on you or lied about their sexual history, hold your horses – he or she could still be innocent!

Here are the top three sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) that one may develop even if you are in a faithful relationship OR have not had sex before.

> Herpes simplex virus (HSV) 1

HSV-1 results in an incurable viral disease commonly known as herpes, which usually causes cold sores and oral ulcers in and around the lips and gums.

These cold sores and ulcers usually cause quite a bit of discomfort, especially when eating.

However, during the recovery stage of the cold sore or ulcer, you will usually not feel anything and may not even remember that you have it.

But it is still infectious at this stage and you may inadvertently spread the virus to your partner while kissing them.

The tricky part comes if you’ve engaged in oral sex with your partner.

Your partner may then develop ulcers around their genital region.

It is a misconception that genital ulcers are exclusively caused by HSV-2 as HSV-1 can also cause such ulcers.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 70% of the world’s population are carriers of HSV-1. The good news is that oral and genital herpes are often asymptomatic (do not have symptoms).

They also do not spread to your partner when there are no active ulcers.

They only flare up when your immune system is weakened and become contagious through contact when an ulcer is present.

Flare-ups can occur once every few months to once every few years, to even once every few decades.

You may experience tiredness, chills, fever and body aches before the painful ulcers emerge, often in the same place either at the genitals or mouth.

It is not all doom and gloom however, as you can get an accurate diagnosis with either a swab test of the active ulcer or a blood test two to three months after an active infection.

Getting a confirmed diagnosis can equip you with knowledge on how to prevent this infection with lysine supplements or by treating any active ulcers with antiviral medicines such as valacyclovir.

If left untreated, these ulcers often get painful, but will eventually recover by themselves after two to three weeks.

> Human papillomavirus (HPV) warts

I know it’s a lot to take in after hearing about HSV, but hang in there as we discuss our next disease: HPV warts.

These are cauliflower-like warts caused by HPV.

There are over 100 strains of HPV.

Apart from the 14 cancer-causing high-risk strains, there are also numerous low-risk strains that cause warts.

HPV warts do not turn into cancer, but are often unsightly and manifest themselves in and around the genital region.

HPV is a very common virus that can be found in a large majority of sexually-active persons.

However, it is often well-controlled by our immune system and does not cause any major symptoms.

HPV can be exchanged between you and your partner during sexual contact.

And when your body encounters a new HPV strain, it can cause the warts to develop.

The good news is that although it is unsightly, these warts are often harmless and can be treated with a variety of options, including creams, freezing with liquid nitrogen, and ablation with heat or electrocautery.

While these warts are easily treatable, a cause of greater concern are the high-risk strains like HPV 16,18 and 45.

These strains affect women more because of their ability to cause cervical cancer.

However, both women and men can protect themselves and their partners by getting vaccinated against these strains.

So fret not if you notice an unusual cauliflower-like lump or wart in the genital region; just speak to your doctor to get it assessed and treated.

> Bacterial vaginosis

Last but not least, one of the biggest causes of a fishy and foul-smelling vaginal discharge is the condition known as bacterial vaginosis.

It occurs when there is an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in your vagina, and is often caused by the bacteria called Gardnerella vaginalis, the most common bacteria in the vagina. 

In the event of a big build-up of bacteria, it can also cause one to develop symptoms of vaginitis, i.e. inflammation of the vagina, resulting in swelling, pain, and even painful sexual intercourse.

Until now, doctors and scientists do not know the exact mechanism of how this occurs, but sex – with or without condoms – often exacerbates this condition.

This condition can be easily diagnosed with a vaginal swab and treated with a vaginal pessary or oral antibiotics.

If you have read up to here, fret not, today can still be an amazing day for you and your partner – just make sure you practise safe sex and get yourselves tested for STIs as a precaution if you haven’t already.

By Dr Julian Hong who is a general practitioner (GP) in Singapore. For more information, email The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. The Star does not give any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this column. The Star disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.

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Saturday 13 February 2021

What to expect in the Year of the Ox


THE Chinese Zodiac consists of 12 animals that represent certain years. The year of your birth is represented by one of these animals, and according to the Chinese Zodiac, you will have particular personality traits that resemble your assigned animal.

Wondering how your zodiac sign fares during the Year of the Ox? Here’s how you can be well-prepared in 2021 with some guidance from feng shui master Lee Cheng Hoe.

RAT (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

It will be a smoother year for the Rat who is in harmony with the Ox. Your interpersonal relations are greatly enhanced and influential people are happy to help you.

Scholars and academics will do well as Rats will find it easier to acquire new knowledge. Career folk seeking promotions and business owners who are scouting for new avenues must strive to win with their wisdom and wit.

Pay attention to your health and well-being, whether physical or emotional, as you will be plagued by illness stars which may hinder your progress and incur unnecessary expenditure.

OX (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Changes abound for the Ox who is in direct conflict with the presiding god, so be mentally prepared to face various obstructions and refrain from impulsive actions.

Artistic pursuits and creative ventures are favoured. Career-wise, your talents and excellent work performance get much-deserved recognition.

Remain alert while driving and be extra careful if your work requires dealing with metal objects or operating machinery. You may donate blood to resolve the bloodshed brought about by unlucky stars. Boost auspicious energies with happy events, such as wedding banquets and birthday parties. Avoid funerals and hospitals and other places with negative energies.

TIGER (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

The Tiger benefits greatly from auspicious stars bringing the powerful luck of good relationships and helpful male benefactors such as male family members, relatives, friends, business partners, colleagues, customers and so on.

Those involved in sales, marketing and business development can look forward to success at work and merchants may consider expanding their businesses to overseas markets.

The lucky stars will also benefit the love life of the female Tiger, who is seeking her other half. Singles may look forward to finding a suitable companion. There are indications of happy events such as weddings and the addition of family members.

RABBIT (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

This year, Rabbits have to rely on themselves and complete their tasks independently as they basically have no support from auspicious stars. There is a focus on family health so you should pay particular attention to the wellbeing of elderly family members and take speedy action if there is any indication of health problems which may require immediate medical attention.

If Rabbits wish to enhance their fortune, they may buy a house or redecorate their home or even replace their furniture. Be extra careful when going outdoors. And if you have to drive, do not speed.

DRAGON (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

The Dragon’s good fortune manifests itself in the form of influential female benefactors (ie female family members, relatives, friends, business partners, colleagues, customers, etc). There is also added benefit to the love life of male Dragons who are looking for their significant other. Singles will find it helpful in the development of their relationship with their partner.

Inauspicious quarrelsome stars may amplify your argumentative tendencies, so watch your tongue. Refrain from getting overly involved in other people’s affairs.

Be conservative in wealth management and exercise caution with investments. Avoid travelling to places that are known to be dangerous.

SNAKE (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

A year for the Snake to level up in their career, making it especially conducive to move up the corporate ladder. Your auspicious stars empower you to attain your goals and offer opportunities for career advancement. Your efforts receive due recognition from your bosses.

Civil servants and management personnel can look forward to promotions while scholars and academics will achieve outstanding examination results.

To counter badmouthing and backstabbing by those who are envious of your success, shine a bright light or put a red carpet in the southwest to reduce the negative impact of the inauspicious stars on your reputation.

HORSE (1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

It is a joyful time for the Horse, who will enjoy a very colourful social life with plenty of opportunities for merrymaking. This is especially advantageous to Horses who are working in sales and marketing.

Powerful benefactors will lend their support whenever you require help. You will be extraordinarily attractive to the opposite sex.

Singles looking for a life partner can take the opportunity to get hooked up, while those who are married have to guard against getting entangled in undesirable affairs.

Avoid high-risk investments. Pay attention to the health of male elders in your family.

GOAT (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

The Goat will be presented with opportunities for relocation or home ownership. You will also be blessed with benefactors who will help to solve problems on your behalf. It will not be easy for you to accumulate wealth as financial loss is indicated.

Avoid careless or high-risk investments. Just keep your money in a safe place instead. You need to cultivate patience as your luck is not too promising so you will encounter more obstacles which will further complicate matters for you. To help dispel the disturbance caused by inauspicious stars, it is advisable to pray for good fortune.

MONKEY (1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Superb fortune stars shine on the Monkey, bringing a steady rise in career development. This is indicative of a status upgrade to a prominent position, which is most rewarding to office workers and administrative personnel.

There will be ample opportunities for you to demonstrate your myriad talents and leadership abilities.

Also indicated are happy events such as getting married and having babies. Even new relationships develop more quickly.

Refrain from being boastful or showing off too much as it can easily lead to a sudden reversal of fortunes that will leave you depressed and stuck in a rut.

ROOSTER (1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

High time for Roosters to shine in leadership roles, particularly those in administrative or management positions. This is a prosperous year with promotions and increments in store, plus promising opportunities for further wealth gain.

Avoid extreme sports such as mountain climbing, skydiving, water skiing and other high-risk physical activities.

You may also be prone to injury due to animal bites or bloodshed caused by metal objects. Be careful on the road. You may donate blood to resolve the bloodshed brought about by unlucky stars.

There will be more ups and downs in your career and love life, so it is important to act cautiously.

DOG (1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

The Dog is surrounded by marvellous fortune stars so everything can be settled easily.

Both happiness and wealth are indicated, as well as great potential in your career. You do not have to work too hard as the help you require will come naturally.

Opportunities present themselves, so if you can grasp the good fortune in time and make the effort, you will achieve the recognition you deserve.

As long as you do not commit any offences, your lucky stars will help to transform all bad luck into good fortune. Try to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise regime.

PIG (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

It is a hectic time for the Pig who has to go out and move about frequently for good fortune to manifest.

You will be travelling further distances more often and staying away from home for longer durations.

This frequent change of environment often signifies changing jobs or relocating, studying abroad or working overseas.

Because you are always on the move, do be careful when driving and allow yourself to rest when tired.

To strengthen personal fortune, try to attend festive activities of family and friends that are filled with positive energies. Avoid funerals and hospital visits.

Auspicious acts

How to feng shui your way to success this year.

TO enhance your good fortune this year, there are some things you can do in your home or office, according to feng shui beliefs. Here are some tips from feng shui master Lee Cheng Hoe on how to make the most of the Year of the Ox.

Magnify the lucky stars

There are various auspicious locations in 2021 according to the Annual Flying Star Feng Shui Chart. You are in luck if your bedroom, main door, office or shop is located in any of them. But there are also ways to increase your good fortune.

The West is where the Number 8 White (Earth) Annual Star is located. As we are presently in Period 8, the Number 8 Star is the best of all as it is the current wealth location.

Activate it using a fan or clock to stimulate the flow of auspicious energies. Further enhance the qi with a treasure bowl full of crystals. Install a ‘moving water’ feature to energise it for added prosperity.

In the South is the Number 1 White (Water) Annual Star which is good for wealth, love and career. Activate it using a water feature. Those who wish to find a partner, enhance their sales volume or increase their wealth should utilise this sector.

The Number 6 White (Metal) Annual Star in the Centre is conducive towards career advancement and brings windfalls and other indirect wealth opportunities. Energise it using a crystal ball with Six Emperor Coins. Spend more time here if you wish to increase your chances of striking the lottery.

The Number 9 Purple (Fire) Annual Star at the Northeast brings good news or happy events such as getting married or having a baby. It is also the secondary wealth sector. Enhance your good fortune using nine pots of plants or nine bamboo plants secured with a red ribbon. Also, shine a bright light and place a red carpet there too.

Those who wish to have a baby should spend more time here and keep the area well activated. Note that the Northeast is the location for the Grand Duke (Tai Sui) as well this year, hence no renovations, knocking or breaking of walls should be done in this area.

The Number 4 Green (Wood) Annual Star in the East makes it the best place for scholastic achievement and is particularly good for brainstorming and decision-making. Utilise this sector for a better relationship among couples or to enhance potential romantic encounters. Activate it with Wen Fang Si Bao (Four Treasures of the Study) or a Wen Chang pagoda or put four bamboo plants in a vase filled with water.

Take note that the Three Killings (feng shui afflictions) is also in the East this year, but that can be remedied with three small Qi Lin (Chinese unicorn or dragon horse) to reduce the negative impact.

Suppress negative energies

Fret not if you are currently stuck in an unfavourable location. To reduce the impact of the inauspicious stars, Master Lee recommends some steps that you can take.

The Number 5 Yellow (Earth) Annual Star in the Southeast makes it the worst location and the most dangerous sector. No renovations, hammering or breaking of walls in this area should be done.

Beware of accidents and obstacles. Remedy with Fortune Water (also known as An Ren Shui or salt water cure), but be careful not to have ‘moving water’ features there. Avoid having any red-coloured objects in this area.

The Number 7 (Metal) Annual Star in the Northwest makes it a hotspot for arguments, theft, robberies and health issues. Suppress the negative energies using a glass of water with coarse salt.

The Number 2 Black (Earth) Annual Star at the North sector triggers illness and loss of wealth besides making it the place where unwanted spirits like to gather. Remedy using Fortune Water or Five Emperor Coins or a Bronze Dragon Turtle.

The Number 3 Jade (Wood) Annual Star at the Southwest sparks constant arguments, and in extreme cases, may lead to lawsuits. Remedy with a red-coloured object such as a red carpet, red light or red sofa. The Southwest is also in direct conflict with the Grand Duke, hence avoid renovations, or the hammering or breaking of walls there.

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 CNY reunion dinner: Toss the fish for an ox-spicious start

CNY reunion dinner: Toss the fish for an ox-spicious start

 An Ox-spicious Spring at Furama this Chinese New Year

That’s something we can do at home to welcome the Year of the Ox and still have ‘din-dining’ fun with a bit pre-recorded help.

IT’S going to be a cheap Chinese New Year. For one thing, I haven’t even gone to the bank to get new notes for ang pow. Since I won’t be visiting or expecting visitors, there’s no point in preparing the red envelopes.

Despite the amended SOP allowing 15 family members within 10km radius to attend, my reunion dinner will be kept to just seven of us – including my maid – living in the same house. My sisters will not be able to return from Sydney or Singapore this time.

I have hung up my red lanterns, traditional decorative knots, set up vases of pussy willow, silk peonies and peach blossoms and bought baskets of mandarin oranges to make the house more festive.

But there is a hollowness to it. No one has been feeling bullish ever since our infection rates spiked dramatically and the movement control order was reimposed and now extended.

As for the reunion dinner, no one feels like having the traditional steamboat which is best eaten with lots of people. So we will tapau salted egg crabs from our favourite seafood restaurant and I will add a few home-cooked dishes.

Our lou sang dish will be made with the store-bought pickled and preserved ingredients as well as freshly grated daikon, carrots, pomelo and Korean pear. Instead of raw salmon, I am going to try it with unagi, Japanese grilled eel.

This is the thing I miss most this CNY: not being able to meet friends for lunch and dinner and noisily toss the fish. In previous years, I could happily lou sang at least half a dozen times.

My sister who lives in Singapore told me the government has taken a different approach. Dining-in at restaurants is allowed but with strict instructions how it should be done.

She says diners aren’t allowed to remove their face masks except to eat and drink. They put the masks back on to chat after the eating is done.

That is actually the right thing to do. We relaxed our restrictions to allow dining and we assumed we were somehow safe to strip off the mask because we are eating and or drinking. Well, serves our ignorance right. That is probably one of the causes of infections going up and spreading into the community.

I learned of a case in Seoul involving two Covid-19 positive people sitting in a coffee outlet. They were asymptomatic and were in the shop for hours, working on their laptops, sipping their coffee with their masks off.

By doing so, they became super-spreaders to many others who were also unmasked and sharing the same enclosed space. What is interesting and telling is that none of the waiters and staff who were masked all the time got infected.

That’s why Singapore’s Health Ministry’s SOP for diners this CNY is as follows:

“Those who are dining out should make sure they wear a mask if they are not eating or drinking. We already do not allow singing (including by diners) and other live performances at F&B establishments and work-related events where food is served.

“Diners should also avoid raising their voices, at all times. This also means that face masks must be worn during the tossing of yusheng (raw fish), and that the lohei (tossing of the fish and the other ingredients in the dish) should be done without any verbalisation of the usual auspicious phrases.

“F&B establishments and enterprises serving lohei must ensure that both the staff and patrons comply with these requirements.”

That does take the joy and fun out of the lohei ritual because we loud, noisy Chinese do love “din-dining” but there is a good reason for the ban. Research already shows that when we sing or shout, our spit droplets fly much wider and further.

But an enterprising Singaporean vlogger has loaded a video on YouTube entitled Auspicious Lohei Sayings and Prosperous Wishes With One Minute of Huat Ahh! that you can play for some festive noise.

I think it’s a good idea to resort to playing the video even when we lohei at home with family members.

If you are not happy with the video’s sound effect, I suppose you can prerecord your own auspicious phrases with CNY music in the background and maybe the sound of firecrackers going off too.

Singapore’s SOP goes further: Since Jan 26, “To further mitigate the risk of large community clusters arising from infections that spread within a household and through them to all their contacts, we will impose a cap of eight distinct visitors per household per day. Individuals should also limit themselves to visiting at most two other households a day, as much as possible.”

As my sister mused, is this enforceable? Probably not. That’s why the SOP appeals to everyone to cooperate with the new measures.

That’s the best all of us, whether in Singapore, Petaling Jaya or Sydney, can do. Respect proper mask wearing, maintain physical distancing and spend as little time as possible in one place, especially if it’s an enclosed space. Avoid crowds and wash those hands frequently!

Meanwhile, like everyone else, I will breathe a sigh of relief on Friday when we see the last of the Rat and we usher in the Year of the Niu. Niu is the Chinese character that generally refers “to cows, bulls, or neutered types of the bovine family, such as common cattle or water buffalo”, says Wikipedia.

Somehow, when it comes to naming the Chinese new year, the English translation of niu is ox and not cow or bull. We don’t say “year of the cow” or “bull”.

Yet, the popular image of the niu depicted on greeting cards and ang pow envelopes, of mall decorations, is that of a bull poised to charge with mighty horns, full of power and virility.

Indeed, the bull figures in many cultures, worshipped as a god and the ancestor of kings in several ancient civilisations.

But it is the domesticated, humble cow/bull/ox that has served humankind much more. For thousands of years, as oxen, they have been harnessed to plough fields, thresh and grind grain, pull carts and other heavy loads. For that purpose, oxen are usually castrated – and therefore more docile – cattle. As cows, they provided milk and as cattle, were slaughtered for their meat and hides.

In Chinese culture, the niu is seen as good-natured, hard-working, dependable and associated with good harvests and fertility. It has been anthropomorphised to have the qualities of gentleness, loyalty and trustworthiness.

According to Jupiter Lai, a Chinese astrologer quoted by The Japan Times, 2021 is the Year of the Metal Ox with the earth element, “representing stability and nourishment” which is exactly what the world needs now.

The world was driven crazy by the devious Rat whose year was fuelled by its yang energy. The Ox will bring in much needed yin energy to calm things down. At least that’s what the fortunetellers are saying. And very carefully at that.

I actually find it quite amusing that all the feng shui and Chinese horoscope websites seem to be very cautious in predicting what’s in store in 2021. I know of none who got it right for 2020.

Even without the soothsayers telling us, we know there will be long and difficult months ahead. But for the next week or two, let’s try to uplift our spirits, give thanks for a brand new year and pray for everyone’s health.

Stay vigilant! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

By June H.L. Wong -The views expressed here are the writer’s own.

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