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Sunday 23 July 2023

Washington reacts with ‘sour grapes’ mentality to Kissinger’s China tour, urged to be rational and refrain from confrontation


Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, capital of China, July 20, 2023. Photo:Xinhua


While China gave its "old friend" Henry Kissinger 100-year-old former secretary of state and national security advisor a warm and grand reception in Beijing, a positive sign showing its sincerity to engage and stabilize relations, the White House said it "regrets" that the 100-year-old former secretary of state and national security advisor still had better access to Chinese officials than some incumbent US officials.

Although China has expressed expectations of mutual respect and meeting each other halfway to protect the "fragile thawing" in ties, US politicians have not stopped smearing and suppressing China, ranging from hyping "Chinese hackers" breaching email accounts of top US diplomats and investigations into US firms' investments in Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) and semiconductor companies to conniving Taiwan secessionist deputy regional leader's possible transit through the US.

Chinese experts said that the US incumbent officials have "sour grapes" mentality over Kissinger's visit to China, and is unable to treat it with an objective and rational attitude. Meanwhile, the US elites' China strategy is not based on the reality that the two sides enjoy a profound foundation of common interests and the general expectations of the international community, but blindly pursues an absolute advantage of strength, with a sense of so-called moral and cultural superiority.

Although analysts expect that under China's efforts, interactions between China and the US are expected to strengthen in the second half of 2023, and even face-to-face exchanges between two heads of state cannot be ruled out, if the US continues to blindly pursue confrontation in its China policy, the atmosphere and conditions for the meeting of the heads of state will disappear.

China US Illustration: Liu Rui China US Illustration: Liu Rui

'Sour grapes' reaction

In a meeting with Kissinger on Thursday in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping hailed him as an "old friend" whom the Chinese people will never forget for his historic contributions to promoting China-US ties. Xi also expressed hope that Kissinger and other people of foresight in the US will continue to play a constructive role in restoring China-US ties to the right track.

China also prepared a banquet for Kissinger with cuisine and decorations filled with cultural significance. Dishes included a longevity peach cake, crane and pine ornamentation that traditionally symbolizes a long and healthy life for the elderly, as well as decorations of lush mountains and rivers, representing the enduring friendship and conveying hopes for peace and prosperity between China and the US.

In the US, State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said Kissinger went to China "under his own volition, not acting on behalf of the US government." White House National Security Council Spokesperson John Kirby said, "It's unfortunate that a private citizen can meet with the defense minister and have a communication and the US can't."

The Biden administration "looks forward to hearing from Secretary Kissinger when he returns, to hear what he heard, what he learned, what he saw," Kirby added.

Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times that the White House had "sour grapes" mentality over the high-level reception Kissinger received during his visit to China, but it had to acknowledge his role as an irreplaceable channel for communication at a time of bilateral tensions.

There is a real need for bilateral cooperation in areas such as economy and trade, climate change and combating drugs, Li said, "Rational policymakers and observers should be happy to see the lines of communication open and smooth."

The White House's emphasis of Kissinger's civilian identity shows its abnormal polarization in domestic politics, said Shen Yi, a professor at Fudan University, "They are worried that the Republicans will use this matter for a political attack as the 2024 election approaches."

"The current situation in China-US relations cannot be solved by Henry Kissinger alone. Kissinger's China tour reflects China's positive attitude and sincerity in maintaining China-US relations. This kind of sincerity is not because it fears the US, nor to gain leverage over the US," Shen said, "It's different from some American politicians' confrontational mindset."

The US government should learn from Kissinger's diplomatic acumen, and also exert sufficient political control at home, Diao Daming, an associate professor at the Renmin University of China in Beijing, told the Global Times on Friday.

Confrontation or communication

As for Kirby's veiled displeasure with the inability to hold a China-US defense chiefs meeting in his comments on Kissinger's meeting with Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu, experts said this is completely caused by Washington's unilaterally wrong and extreme approach toward China, as Li is still under US sanctions.

It is completely hegemonic logic if the US believes that China-US military dialogue can be carried out under such conditions… If the US does not reflect on itself, it won't be conducive to mending bilateral ties, Diao said.

In addition, the US has never stopped undermining bilateral relations.

Citing unnamed sources, the Wall Street Journal smeared China amid Kissinger's China tour, saying that "China-linked hackers" breached the email account of US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns, as well as the email account of Daniel Kritenbrink, the assistant Secretary of State for East Asia.

Interestingly, Kritenbrink said at a Thursday hearing on China policy, "We are committed to managing this competition responsibly and to maintaining open lines of communication," without mentioning the "China-linked hackers."

Analysts said Kissinger's ideas can still shed light on the current muddled US policy toward China, as he believes that managing international relations requires common ground while reserving differences.

"It would be disastrous if Washington's policymakers' brains are full of ideology and value superiority," Li said.

Earlier on Wednesday, a US House committee launched an investigation into investments by four US venture capital firms into Chinese artificial intelligence and semiconductor companies, according to a Reuters report.

The common interests accumulated between China and the US over the past century are too large to be destroyed by some politicians' will. Therefore, the US' China policy should be based on objective reality, and Kissinger is a unique and living witness to the accumulation of common interests between China and the US over the past 50 years, Li said.

Kissinger, who has visited China more than 100 times, once again illustrated the importance of US-China exchanges at the age of 100.

The more frequent the exchanges between China and the US, the more it will help both sides, especially the US, stay rational and pragmatic in handling relations with China. If there is no communication, rumors will be used as weapons for some extreme US politicians who deliberately undermine China-US relations, Li said.

Chinese experts said that the interaction between China and the US may show a trend of strengthening in the second half of 2023 after Kissinger's visit, and there will likely be face-to-face exchanges between the two heads of state on occasions such as the G20 and APEC summits. However, if the US continues to pursue confrontation and provocation in its China policy, the atmosphere for the meeting of the heads of state will disappear.

For example, attention should be paid to the US' move on the Taiwan question, China's core interest and red line.

Regarding a possible transit visit of Taiwan secessionist Lai Ching-te through the US, Xie Feng, the Chinese Ambassador to the US, said at the Aspen Security Forum on Wednesday, "The Taiwan question is the most important and sensitive matter in China-US relations."

The pressing issue at hand is to resolutely block  Lai's transit through the US, which is akin to a "grey rhino" charging toward us, Xie said. 

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Thursday 20 July 2023

How will US weaponize AI for its technological hegemony?

 AI Photo:VCG

The UN Security Council on Tuesday for the first time held a session on the risks that artificial intelligence (AI) poses to the world, the latest evidence that regulating the development of AI has become a universal concern. While discussions of AI development norms are necessary, whether for the international community or any country, it is still disturbing to see the inclination of AI weaponization in some discussions among US lawmakers.

US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who introduced AI legislation last month, said in a recent speech that "If we don't program these algorithms to align with our values, they could be used to undermine our democratic foundations ... The Chinese Communist Party ... could leap ahead of us and set the rules of the game for AI. Democracy could enter an era of steep decline."

Experience has made it clear that whenever US politicians associate some issues with values, it is always in a way that is distorted and adheres to a zero-sum game, bringing chaos and uncertainty to all concerned. Unfortunately, AI may have just become a new front in Washington's tech war against China. In fact, the US attempt to take control of AI is still fixated on keeping global markets and capital firmly in American hands.

In addition to the Congressional legislation efforts, the Biden administration is also reportedly preparing to restrict Chinese companies' access to US cloud-computing services, The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month. The move may curb Chinese customers' ability to use AI-related services from US companies.

Apparently, AI won't be exempted from the US technological competition with and crackdown on China. The US wants to maintain its dominance in almost all high-tech fields and is willing to contain China's technological development by means of suppression, just like it has been doing in the chip war.

Such hostility in technological competition is an obvious cause for worry, especially when governments around the world are facing challenges as to how to use and regulate AI as well as balance its development and security risks.

Just look at what Washington has been doing in terms of chip suppression related to China, and it is not hard to imagine what norms and rules the Biden administration could be plotting in a political environment where AI is seen as an important weapon in ensuring US technological hegemony.

If the US abuses AI rule-making as a weapon against China, it will be a disaster for global AI development. There is much unknown about the specific trends and paths of AI development. Under such circumstances, if the US insists on introducing geopolitical factors, then future AI development will certainly face a split, which means two systems and development directions, bringing more confusion and jeopardizing AI global governance.

Another implication of the US maintaining its scientific and technological dominance and hegemony is that the high-tech development of developing countries will be under US control and bullying.

In high-tech fields like AI, if some countries maliciously obstruct the technological development of other countries, and artificially create technological barriers, they are actually undermining the rights and interests of developing countries to seek open cooperation. To prevent such a scenario, the rules of global AI governance must first ensure fairness for the development of developing countries.

Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the UN, proposed at the Tuesday Security Council meeting that five principles must be adhered to when it comes to guiding principles for AI governance - putting ethics first, adhering to safety and controllability, fairness and inclusiveness, openness and cooperativeness, and committed to peaceful utilization.

In stark contrast to what US politicians have emphasized in AI governance, these principles deserve the attention of the international community. 

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Wednesday 19 July 2023

‘Focus on long-term gains’: benefits of pursuing tertiary studies far outweigh upsides of being a gig worker


Brighter future: Numerous studies suggest that college life most often leads to more holistic individuals. –


Benefits of pursuing tertiary studies far outweigh upsides of being a gig worker

THE last couple of weeks had been a rather busy period for many universities and colleges which had their open days where they showcased their courses.

While most education fairs witnessed a fair share of visitors, the decline in the number of students completing their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), and the issues surrounding this, has caught the media’s attention.

In 2022, for instance, 3.8% or 14,858 of first-time SPM candidates were absent for at least six subjects. In 2021, the figure was close to 10,700 students.

In another report, a staggering 72.1% of SPM graduates surveyed revealed that they had no intention of pursuing a higher qualification. The same report also purported that Malaysia is not alone in witnessing this trend. In the United Kingdom, for example, only a third of school-leavers feel that obtaining a university qualification is vital.

Naturally, the following questions warrant answers: Why aren’t all qualified school-leavers excited to continue their studies? Where are they in the economy if they do not? Is obtaining a higher education qualification still vital given the massive role technology plays in our lives?

Reports by various commentators suggest that three possible reasons explain this trend.

Firstly, this may have to do with the prevalence and growth of the gig economy. Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), in a published report, projected that the Malaysian gig economy would grow to a minimum of RM650mil in 2025, largely due to the growth and development of local platforms.

The growth in the gig sector seems to be in tandem with the number of school-leavers in search of gig jobs.

Research suggests that gig workers can earn anything between RM2,500 and RM5,000 per month, with some claiming to even exceed RM6,000 per month.

One could argue that gig jobs seem more lucrative relative to the median salary of RM2,062 as per the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) reports in 2020.

In essence, the allure of gig money seems to be driving segments of school-leavers away from pursuing higher education.

The temptation of becoming a professional social media influencer could be another factor.

The ubiquitous nature of the Internet, coupled with the ease of using social media platforms to create content, is seen by some to be an alternative to higher education.

A third reason could be the belief that a higher education qualification may not necessarily guarantee better employment prospects.

While these are fair and logical arguments, there are many points in favour of having a higher education qualification. Let’s examine some of them.

Issues with gig jobs 

A gig worker is someone who works based on freelance contracts, usually short-term, in contrast to a longer-term fixed-salary position with an organisation.

Various industries hire gig workers, and these include the information technology, administrative, and creative sectors.

However, close to 72% of surveyed SPM school-leavers in Malaysia expressed interest to work in either the e-hailing or social media influencer sector of the gig economy.

The short-term benefits of working in such positions in the gig sector include flexible work hours, a low level of commitment expected from employers, and opportunities for working anywhere, anytime.

However, the main challenge of gig workers, particularly in the e-hailing sector, is the lack of a safety net. Typically, gig workers are not entitled to perks such as healthcare and retirement benefits.

In Singapore, Grab recently announced laying off 1,000 employees to remain competitive.

When companies in the gig sector decide to slash payrolls, gig workers are often to be first at risk.

In sum, while the allure of short-term gain is there, securing long-term and more sustainable employment, with a better safety net, may require higher education qualification.

Personal development

Numerous studies suggest that college life most often leads to more holistic individuals.

According to a recent study by the Utah State University in the United States, the major benefits of a college education include producing individuals who are more mature, confident and have a stronger sense of self.

This report also suggests that individuals with higher qualifications tend to have higher ethical and moral standards.

A three-to-four-year college process and activities allow individuals to work in teams and with people from different cultural backgrounds, thus allowing them to make more balanced, reasoned, and generally unbiased judgements.

Some studies also state that a college education often leads to individuals who are more disciplined and professional in nature.

Networking opportunities

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, met while pursuing a doctoral degree in computer science at Stanford University in the US.

A major benefit of pursuing tertiary education in this context is the vast networking opportunities that it offers.

Many successful companies have been founded based on the strong bond individuals built and developed as they ventured on the college journey together.

Although there are successful entrepreneurs who never finished college, the numbers who do, and start something after that, are significant.

Simply put, higher education is not about the pursuit of knowledge alone, but should be viewed through the lens of opportunities that it has to offer by connecting people. This is something that short-term monetary gains can never buy!

Keeping it relevant

To ensure young adults are lured into the mainstream higher education pathway, colleges and universities have a major role to play.

Firstly, these institutions must ensure that the programmes they offer are in line with what industries require.

Stated differently, the onus is on these institutions to produce highly employable graduates. This means continuous improvement to the curriculum, and taking input from industry players, is a must across all disciplines.

Programmes related to computing, technology, and engineering must be developed with future industry trends in mind. For example, in the tech sector, jobs such as prompt engineers, full-stack developers, blockchain developers, and cybersecurity experts are set to command higher salaries.

Institutions that offer such programmes will be sought after and thus remain relevant in the long run – and perhaps attract teenagers who may otherwise opt out and become part of the gig sector.

My son, a budding musician who wants to make it big and seek a career in the digital music industry, assured me that despite his deep interest in music, he will pursue a college degree as a backup. For a conservative and somewhat traditional family, this is reassuring indeed.

One may play a part in the gig sector. Nevertheless, do consider the long-term benefits of having a higher education qualification. Just in case.

Prof Dr Murali Raman is the deputy vice-chancellor (Academic Development & Strategy) overseeing postgraduate and continuous education at Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU). Focused on executive training and consultancy, his niche training areas include design thinking, coloured brain communication and emotional drivers, digital economy, crafting digital strategies, and mindset change. The views expressed here are the writer’s own. 

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Tuesday 18 July 2023

New Zealand PM's speech outlines China policy; much focus on importance of stabilizing ties with China


National flags of China and New Zealand on Tiananmen Square in Beijing on June 25, 2023 Photo: VCG 


New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins' latest remarks on China's Taiwan and South China Sea are clichés echoing the US' strategy toward China, but the essence of his speech is to stress the significance of stabilizing relations with China, which has been deliberately downplayed by some Western media, Chinese analysts said, after some reported Hipkins' "concerns" over China's increasing influence being the driver behind the "increasing competition in the Indo-Pacific."

In a speech to the China Business Summit on Monday, Hipkins expounded New Zealand's connections with China. He noted that "It's normal for states to pursue their interests and to use all the tools at their disposal to exert influence regionally and internationally… but China's rise and how it seeks to exert that influence is also a major driver of the increasing strategic competition, particularly in our wider home region, the Indo-Pacific," according to a transcript the New Zealand government released.

China is a member of the Asia-Pacific and has always worked with regional countries to practice true multilateralism and defend regional peace and stability. Based on mutual respect, China will have dialogue with all parties, including New Zealand, to jointly contribute to regional prosperity and stability, Chinese FM spokesperson Mao Ning said at a routine press conference on Monday.

Mao also noted that the Taiwan question is China's internal affair and the most significant safeguard for cross-Straits stability is upholding the one-China principle. Also, there are no issues on the South China Sea and it is hoped that the relevant countries will respect regional countries' efforts to defend the stability of the South China Sea.

Hipkins' speech, which outlined the New Zealand leader's China policy after his first visit to China in June that helped expand cooperation in economy, trade, education, technology, tourism and other fields, was overlooked by some Western media. The Guardian on Monday highlighted Hipkins' remarks on China's increasing influence as "a major driver of the increasing strategic competition" particularly in the Indo-Pacific.

Hipkins' remarks on the Taiwan question and South China Sea were a repeat clichés echoing the US' strategy toward China. However, compared to the rhetoric used by other US Western allies, the New Zealand leader's words were "much more toned down," and the essence of Hipkins' speech is stabilizing China-New Zealand relations, Chen Hong, director of New Zealand Studies Centre in East China Normal University, told the Global Times on Monday.

During the Monday speech, Hipkins took more time to talk about the economic and people-to-people connections between China and New Zealand, and the importance of continuing to engage with China, which has been deliberately underplayed by these Western media, said analysts.

Chen said that Hipkins' Monday speech is more like a comprehensive overview of his China policy after being sworn in as New Zealand's prime minister in January, and it shows that New Zealand has shifted from putting the US at the center of its foreign policy, a stance that has also been taken by Au

stralia, making China a focus of its diplomacy. The speech, as well as Hipkins' visit to China in June, also showed that he has put much emphasis on stabilizing and improving relations with China, as it meets New Zealand's national interests and will help him lead the Labour Party to win the upcoming general election, said Chen.

While New Zealand is pursuing stable relations with China, analysts also warned that it should also remain vigilant for some hawkish politicians pushing for a tougher China stance as well as pressure from Australia and the US to sow discord and disturb bilateral relations. 

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Monday 17 July 2023

Malaysia’s secularism based on Constitution, Alliance Memorandum, its secularism shoudn't be open to misinterpretation

Malaysia's secularism based on Constitution, Alliance ...

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s secularism is evidenced in the Federal Constitution and the Alliance Memorandum 1956, says MCA.

It said MCA, as a member of the Alliance Coalition, played a significant role in shaping the Alliance Memorandum submitted to the Reid Constitutional Commission on Sept 27, 1956.

“The memorandum explicitly stated that ‘the religion of Malaya shall be Islam... and shall not imply that the state is not a secular state’,” it said in a statement on Tuesday (July 11).

MCA also emphasised that Islam and the position of Malay Rulers as heads of Islam in their states are protected by the Federal Constitution.

“Article 4 of the Federal Constitution establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, thereby protecting the position of Islam and the Malay Rulers,” it said.

MCA said it unequivocally takes the position that Malaysia is a democratic and secular state with Islam as the official religion - a position that the country has not changed in the last seven decades.

Explaining, MCA said that a secular state is one where the source of law is secular.

“In Malaysia, religious authorities derive their source of authority from secular laws enacted by the Malaysian Parliament.

“Islam is enshrined in Article 3 of the Federal Constitution, which is itself a secular document and forms the foundation of our nation.

“This is unlike a theocratic state like Saudi Arabia, where religious laws and scriptures are the primary source of legislation, rather than the Constitution, Parliament, or the Court,” it added.

MCA said secularism can take different forms, and it is not unusual for secular nations, such as the United Kingdom, to integrate religion into their systems.

“This can be observed through the presence of their state church led by the monarchy, a characteristic that mirrors Malaysia's approach,” it said.

The Barisan Nasional component party said their statement was necessitated by instances where leaders from different political parties often conflate Malaysia's secularism with the notion of "complete separation of state and religion".

“It is our earnest hope that political leaders exercise greater responsibility when discussing Malaysia's legal and constitutional nature to avoid any misinterpretation of their words.

“The resulting confusion could cause unnecessary anxiety among the public and undermine international confidence in Malaysia,” it added. Source link

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s secularism is evidenced in the Federal Constitution and the Alliance Memorandum 1956, says MCA.

As one of the founding members of the Alliance (the precursor to Barisan Nasional), MCA played a significant role in shaping the Alliance Memorandum submitted to the Reid Constitutional Commission on Sept 27, 1956.

According to the National Archives, the commission was formed on March 21, 1956, to review and recommend the Constitution of the Federation of Malaya in preparation for Malaya’s independence on Aug 31, 1957.

“The memorandum explicitly stated that the religion of Malaya shall be Islam ... and shall not imply that the state is not a secular state,” it said in a statement yesterday.

MCA also emphasised that Islam and the position of Malay rulers as heads of Islam in their states are protected by the Federal Constitution.

“Article 4 of the Federal Constitution establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, thereby protecting the position of Islam and the Malay Rulers,” it added.

MCA also unequivocally took the position that Malaysia is a democratic and secular state with Islam as the official religion, adding that it did not change its position on this in the last seven decades.

MCA also said that a secular state is one where the source of law is secular.

“In Malaysia, religious authorities derive their source of authority from secular laws enacted by the Malaysian Parliament.

“Islam is enshrined in Article 3 of the Federal Constitution, which is itself a secular document and forms the foundation of our nation.

“This is unlike a theocratic state like Saudi Arabia, where religious laws and scriptures are the primary source of legislation, rather than the Constitution, Parliament or the Court,” it added.

MCA said secularism can take different forms, and it is not unusual for secular nations, such as the United Kingdom, to integrate religion into their systems.

“This can be observed through the presence of their state church led by the monarchy, a characteristic that mirrors Malaysia’s approach,” it said.

The Barisan Nasional component party said their statement was necessitated by instances where leaders from different political parties often conflate Malaysia’s secularism with the notion of “complete separation of state and religion”.

“It is our earnest hope that political leaders exercise greater responsibility when discussing Malaysia’s legal and constitutional nature to avoid any misinterpretation. The resulting confusion could cause unnecessary anxiety among the public and undermine international confidence in Malaysia,” it added.

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